07732 514 131 gill@gillgray.com

Dealing with Addiction with Christian McNeill, Author & Coach

Christian McNeill,  previously a lawyer and tribunal judge, now executive coach and author of the freshly published: Addiction: One Cause, One Solution led this session on 30th June 2020

Addiction is progressive: skirting around the issue only increases the problem.  Addiction destroys businesses, relationships and lives To achieve change, you need a new approach. Failure to deal with it (at the very least) demotivates your team. Christian shared some really useful techniques and ideas to apply in tackling this difficult & sensitive issue at work, with or within your social circle. In co-authoring Addiction: One Cause; One Solution with Barbara Smith, Christian and Barbara bring their extensive personal and professional experience in addiction recovery to the reader. They share a clear understanding of an evolution in the field of addiction treatment which can unlock the elusive serenity and peace of mind to be found on escape from the trap of substance abuse.

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